Your book is done. Done! Your friends and writing group love it, and you feel ready to take the last step. Elevate your work to the next level with Rochelle Staab, who will smooth out the glitches you missed in your third, fourth, or fifth edits and catch those odd syntactical errors even your most trusted early readers failed to notice.
Rochelle is an award-winning author and graduate of the UCLA Writers' Program, experienced in the conventions of novel structure and copyediting. As a published author, Rochelle understands the value of maintaining the unique style and voice each writer brings to his or her work. As an experienced copyeditor, Rochelle knows the importance of cleaning up the petty grammatical or punctuation slips that can pull readers out of a story and soil reviews. She will work with you behind the scenes to deliver your best work to the marketplace.
Copyediting is the final stage before a manuscript goes to print. The process includes a check on spelling, capitalization, punctuation, verb tenses, usage, formatting, and grammar basics like pronoun antecedents. A heavy copyedit will confirm sentence clarity, question cliches, dig up the echoes, and ask the hard questions no one else will ask you.
You will be able to query agents, submit your synopsis to a publisher, or self-publish your novel with confidence, knowing a professional dedicated to your success worked with you to add the final stage of polish to your work.
Rochelle specializes in copyediting mystery, thrillers, and romantic suspense novels.Average cost is $0.01 per word for a light to medium copyedit. Rochelle offers a complimentary edit of your novel's first chapter (maximum ten pages) to see if you mesh. For a flat $25.00 fee, Rochelle will review and add punch to your agent query letters.
Contact for availability.
"I can't say enough about working with Rochelle. Not only is she great at character and plot work—she's excellent at finding holes and errors in continuity—but she's also a whiz at line edits, with great attention to detail. Plus she's easy to work with. I won't send anything to my publisher without Rochelle reviewing it first."
—Tammy Kaehler, author of the award-winning Kate Reilly Racing Mystery Series
"Rochelle Staab is the real thing; both as a writer who understands the marketplace, and as an editor with an extraordinarily keen eye. Staab is honest, tireless, and possesses that rare wit that makes working with her a delight."
—Nancy Cole Silverman, author of the Misty Dawn Mysteries and Carol Childs Mysteries